Estate planning is determining who gets what, when they get it and how they get it, when you leave this world. Now is the optimum time to be assertive and make a move. You not only need to plan your estate, but you also need to plan for your retirement. Estate Planning Specialist has joined forces with several top minds in the country to create The Retirement Planning Solutions Suite to help guide you in your journey.
Order your Estate planning Solutions Suite today. Normally over $1,000 when sold separately, this comprehensive package, including the book, Special Reports, your Personalized Estate Planning/Financial Needs Analysis, plus legal audit of your estate planning documents, is very affordable at only $497. Taking advantage of this offer may result in implementing a plan that could save you hundreds of thousands of dollars or more!What's included:
Personal Summary & Recommendations:
• A comprehensive breakdown of your current estate plan.
• Recommendations of viable strategies specifically applicable to you.
Do you need a will or a trust?
A cost analysis comparison of having a Will vs Trust.
Your Personal Estate Tax Calculations:
Tax calculations to illustrate your current and projected potential tax liabilities for you and your family.
Personal Estate Liquidity Recommendations:
• Wealth Creation Strategy
• Family Bank Strategy
Strategies to make certain you keep your wealth in the family.
Long Term Care Solutions:
How to ensure that a Long Term Care event won’t deplete your estate.
Creative and Estate Tax Ideas:
Strategies that you may choose to implement that will help you achieve your estate planning goals.
Legal Audit of Your Estate Plan:
A legal review of your estate planning documents by The Durfee Law Group, as well as a follow-up conference.
• The Family Bank Strategy by David Phillips
• The 10 Most Common Estate Planning Mistakes by David Phillips
• The Leveraged Care Solutions Special Report by David & Todd Phillips
• Disinherit the IRS Special Report by David Phillips
• The Bombshell Battle Plan: Post 2020 Election Special Report by David Phillips